Sunday 14 June 2009

Oi Virgin, get back to basic values ...

So, just rung up Virgin Holidays to check something out and pay off the balance due.

Foreign call centre beckons ... and I'm sorry but it's torture: the guys are obviously trying hard but I'm still unconvinced I understood everything which is a worry as I am about to pay out the best part of 3 grand.

Anyway that's not the point. The basic values:
a) recognition of a customer based on what you know about them
b) demonstrate that the customer has at least some value to you
c) at least be seen to be trying

So I'm taking my daughter over to the West Indies. She's 14 but is classed as an adult for tariff purposes. When I'm chatting to the fella on the phone, he refers to a "2 adult" booking; I clarify that the 2nd person is my 14 year old daughter, not an adult (which they should know because they ask the age at booking stage). So I'm assuming (stupid bloke that I am) that there are two beds ... apparently not; only one bed - a special request has to go to hotel to cater for 2 beds. Bring back estate agents is what I say: they would have known that the room (an upgrade I may add) would not have been suitable ... actually not rocket science for the website to have worked that out, especially as they have asked the ages of the travellers ... or maybe they just think I have got a child bride! And Virgin are meant to be consumer champions - yeah right!

Then payment due date crops up; I tell them that I am not paying until I know that I have 2 proper beds in the room ... potential problem as I am informed that the balance is due as I have to pay 10 weeks before holiday starts. I then read out their own terms and conditions in the booking confirmation e-mail = payment due 8 weeks before departure; this seems to land on deaf ears ... No, it's 10 weeks I'm told (and this goes back and forward for a while) ... red mist descends but I manage not to lose it completely.

Am then told I have to ring back during the week to see if bed request has been successful as customer services staff don't work week-ends. OK, let's see how many things are wrong with that statement: a) I have to ring back - they're not calling me, b) they've got staff there to take your money at the week-end but no-one to resolve the problem, c) I am going to have to go through the same set of questions before I get an answer (well that's just dandy, 'cos I have nothing better to do with my time!), d) the travel industry is suffering in this recession ... you would have thought, they might be wanting to do everything to get the sale.

No wonder there's a clamour by consumers for a return to basic values ... and it's not just the recession. It's piss-poor customer service made worse when it's a brand that purports to be on your side ... when they are just replicas of the faceless corporates they claim to be challenging!